Wednesday, March 14, 2007

International Women's Day rant

It happened last week and I'm only just getting around to writing about it because, as a single working mother, I had other things to do. I always find Women's Day depressing at best and infuriating at worst. For one thing, why isn't there a "Men's Day"? (answer: because they get the other 364 days of the year). Living in Brazil, where men reign supreme because women let them, I have all sorts of irritants "up with which to put". This year, I was on a plane from Rio to Salvador - yes, on March 8th - and a female flight attendant wished the passengers "Happy Women's Day". A man sitting near me (as part of a loving couple) said, "Ah, but isn't it men that make women happy?" (A loose translation of: "A felicidade da mulher não é o homem?") Good thing his girlfriend was sitting between us or I'd have thumped him. I have nothing against the male gender in general - some are my closest friends are men ;-) However, I will start to feel that women have arrived when the CNN anchors are a 60-ish woman with plenty of wrinkles and white hair, sitting beside a 30-something man.

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