Friday, January 7, 2011

Bagel Date Extravaganza

Craig and I have a Saturday tradition.

There's an Einstein Brothers Bagel shop about eight blocks from our house. We've lived here for the past sixteen months or so, and every Saturday that we've been in town, we've traveled down to the bagel shop (usually by foot, but sometimes by car when the weather was terrible) for a cheap, delicious date.

I've been looking forward to our bagel date all week, but SUDDENLY, Craig decided to spend the bulk of this weekend with his parents, sister, and niece (I have a book club meeting tomorrow, so I'm sticking around), and it seemed that our weekly bagel date was doomed. After all, a couple of lovebirds cannot go on a Saturday morning date if they are apart on Saturday morning.

The solution? A Friday afternoon bagel date. Since I work from home and Craig is still job-hunting (having graduated just a few weeks ago), we had the time.

~~Craig's usual parfait~~
~~my usual cinnamon-raisin bagel, toasted, with honey butter~~
~~Craig mixes it up bagel-wise; this week, he got a plain bagel, toasted, with honey almond shmear on one side and blueberry shmear on the other~~

Knowing what my husband and I eat is really interesting.


I started reading daily style blogs about a year and a half ago, and the thing I liked best about seeing these stylin' women document their clothes? It made me think outside the box of "jeans-tee shirt-sandals" when I got dressed in the morning. I had a closet full of stuff, and I was forever buying more, but I didn't have much fun with getting dressed; I didn't see the possibilities for combining, layering, accessorizing, etc. In other words, the internet taught me how to dress.

Today is the perfect example of a common pattern for me. When I went to the closet, I thought of how one of my favorite style bloggers - Kyla from Blue Collar Catwalk - has been obsessed with maxi skirts lately. I then thought of Kendi from Kendi Everyday and Tania from What Would a Nerd Wear, who both wear a great blue gingham shirt every so often (they're both wearing it today, in fact). I happen to have a maxi skirt and a blue gingham shirt myself, and today, with their powers combined, FWUHBAM!

Headband: in my Christmas stocking several years ago
Blue gingham shirt: Old Navy, $15 (on sale and with coupon)
Gray ruffled tank: Target, $10 (a few years back, on the clearance rack)
Brown leather belt: thrifted at Saver's in Provo, $3
Brown maxi skirt: Ross, $16
Brown leather boots: Christmas gift from my mom (purchased at Target)

Circle necklace: literally found it on the ground, in Cedar City, Utah

I wasn't keen on makeup or messing with my hair today, but I like my outfit so much that I feel pretty nonetheless. Funny how clothes can do that.

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